Managed ICT Services

About Managed ICT Services

Afri-IT Solutions is a managed services provider (MSP) responsible for managing customer IT infrastructure. Depending on your goals and budget, we can be a part of your in house IT team or a full-fledged IT department. Our Managed IT customers receive a comprehensive, easily scalable product that works effectively at all levels.

Outsourcing the management of your IT is the ideal solution to help you achieve maximum results from your hardware and software, in addition to having access to a large team of highly skilled engineers. Apart from the advantages inherent in a service dedicated exclusively to ensuring infrastructure health, there are also significant cost savings associated with allowing a Managed Services provider to handle such operations.

Our Managed Services portfolio caters for a variety of situations, from elementary monitoring needs to IT consulting and advanced proactive preventative measures. Backed by industry-leading vendors and support from an highly experienced and highly knowledgeable team of engineers, clients are assured of infrastructure which operates securely and efficiently.

Managed IT service